Marine systems simulation
CBottomDepth Member List

This is the complete list of members for CBottomDepth, including all inherited members.

CBottomDepth(const double dMeanDepth, const double dRoughness, const double dStructureScale=50) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepth
GetDepth(const double dX, const double dY) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepthvirtual
GetDepth(const double *const adX, const double *const adY, double *const adDepth, int iSize) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepthvirtual
GetSubmergence(const double dX, const double dY, const double dZ) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepthvirtual
GetSubmergence(const double adPos[3]) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepthvirtual
m_dMeanDepth (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepth
m_dRoughness (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepth
m_dStructureScale (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepth
~CBottomDepth(void) (defined in CBottomDepth)CBottomDepth
~IBottomDepth(void) (defined in IBottomDepth)IBottomDepthinline