Marine systems simulation
CSwitch Member List

This is the complete list of members for CSwitch, including all inherited members.

CSwitch(std::string sSimObjectName, ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)CSwitch
m_Input1 (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchprotected
m_Input2 (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchprotected
m_Input3 (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchprotected
m_Signal (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchprotected
OdeFcn(const double dT, const double *const adX, double *const adXDot, const bool bIsMajorTimeStep) (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchinlinevirtual
Output(const double T, const double *const X) (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
PASS1_IF2_POSITIVE enum value (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
PASS1_IF2_ZERO enum value (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
PASS3_IF2_POSITIVE enum value (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
PASS3_IF2_ZERO enum value (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
SwitchType enum name (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch
Type (defined in CSwitch)CSwitchprotected
~CSwitch() (defined in CSwitch)CSwitch