Marine systems simulation
Floating collar

Floating collar SimObject.

+ Collaboration diagram for Floating collar:
Per Christian Endresen
User Documentation:

Simulation model of floating collar in regular or long/short crested irregular waves. The floating collar model represents one pipe or two concentric pipes, and is based on modal superposition (Faltinsen, 2010). Linear uncoupled equations are used to simulate the dynamics in x-, y- and z-direction, while couplings to other sim objects are of a non-linear nature. Wave forces give only inertia forces and damping is given as a level of critical damping for each mode. See the master's thesis of Endresen (2011) or the OMAE-paper by Endresen et al. (2014) for more details on the mathematical model.

Mass2D-Mass per unit length of the floating collar [kg]
E-Young's modulus for the pipe [GPa]
DistPipes-Distance between the pipes when the collar consists of two pipes[m]
NetOffset0Offset for position of net connection points relative to the ring perimeter [m]
RadiusPipe-Pipe radius [m]
RadiusFloater-Radius of the floating collar [m]
tWall-Thickness of the wall of the pipes [m]
DampFact0.05Damping factor for ring motions [-]
NumModes15Number of modes used in the modal superposition calculations [#]
g9.81Gravity acceleration [m s-2]
RhoWater1025Density of water used in simulation [kg m-2]
RadialSpringOn0Disables (0) or enables (1) springs that fix the ring to four points in space [-]
RadialSpringStiffness1000Stiffness of springs enabled/disabled by RadialSpringOn [-]
WaveCouplingOn1Enables/disables coupling between waves and horizontal movement [-]
DragCoeff1.1Normal hydrodynamic drag coefficient for floating collar pipes [-]
TangentialDragCoeff0.005Tangential hydrodynamic drag coefficient for floating collar pipes [-]
PipeVisElem200Number of elements used in visualisation of the pipes [#]
NumPipes2Number of pipes the floating consists of (may be set to 1 or 2) [#]
ViscDampSurgeOntrueEnables/disables viscous damping in surge direction [bool]
ViscDampHeaveOntrueEnables/disables viscous damping in heave direction[bool]
ViscNonLinDampSurgeOnfalseEnables/disables non-linear viscous damping in surge direction [bool]
ViscNonLinDampHeaveOnfalseEnables/disables non-linear viscous damping in heave direction [bool]
ViscDampSurgeAmplFact1Amplification factor for viscous damping in surge direction [-]
ViscDampHeaveAmplFact1Amplification factor for viscous damping in heave direction [-]
HorizontalBendingStiffnessParallelAxisFactor1Adjustment factor for rigidity in coupling between two rings with respect to horizontal bending [-]
NumberOfObservationPortsAHRS0Number of observation ports for acceleration, velocity, position, rotation velocity and rotation[#]
NumNetConnections0Number of connection points between the ring and a net structure [#]
NumBottomRingConnections0Number of connection points between the ring and a bottom ring [#]
NumFasteningConnections0Number of connection points between the ring and the bridles in a mooring system [#]
NetForcesStart1Simulation time at which forces from a net structure should start affecting floating collar (for stability purposes) [s]
BendingStress_pos0Angular position along the ring for which bending stress should be written to output [rad]
RelDispZ_pos0Angular position along the ring for which relative displacement in z should be written to output [rad]
RingElev_pos0Angular position along the ring for which ring elevation should be written to output [rad]
InitialPosition0,0,0Initial position of centre point of ring (x,y,z) [m]
PosNetConnections-Vector [NumNetConnections] describing angular position of net connection points [rad]
PosBottomRingConnections-Vector [NumBottomRingConnections] describing angular position of bottom ring connection points [rad]
PosFasteningConnections-Vector [NumFasteningConnections] describing angular position of connection points to bridles in a mooring system [rad]
Color-Primary color of the floater
Material"DiffuseSpecular"The visualization material of the floater, specified by its name.
Input ports
NetConnectForce<i>3Force transferred from net to floating collar at net connection point with index <i>
BRConnectForce<i>3Force transferred from bottom ring (through chains/ropes) to floating collar at bottom ring connection point with index <i>
FastConnectForce<i>3Force transferred from mooring system (through bridles) to floating collar at bridle connection point with index <i>
Output ports
NetConnectPos<i>3Position (x,y,z) of net connection point with index <i>
NetConnectVel<i>3Velocity of net connection point with index <i>
NetConnectTotalForce3Total force transferred from net to floating collar through net connection points
BRConnectPos<i>3Position (x,y,z) of bottom ring connection point with index <i>
BRConnectVel<i>3Velocity of bottom ring connection point with index <i>
BRConnectTotalForce3Total force transferred from bottom ring to floating collar through net connection points
FastConnectPos<i>3Position (x,y,z) of bridle connection point with index <i>
FastConnectVel<i>3Velocity of bridle connection point with index <i>
FastConnectTotalForce3Total force transferred from moorign system to floating collar through bridle connection points
RBMxModalForce3Rigid body motion forces in x direction from bridle, net and bottom ring (surveillance port)
SurfElevCenter1Surface elevation at the dynamic centre of the floating collar
SurfElev001Surface elevation at the x,y origin (0,0)
PartVelCheck3Particle velocity at the point (0,0,1)
RingElevCenter1Elevation of the ring segment facing westward (angle of pi/2)
RingElevation1Elevation of the ring segment indexed by the parameter RingElev_pos
sigma_rr1Bending stress around the local y-axis at position given by the parameter BendingStress_pos
relDispZ1Relative vertical displacement between floating collar and surface at position given by the parameter RelDispZ_pos
WaveInfo1Dynamic pressure at the x,y,z origin (0,0,0)
FloaterCenterPos3Centre position of floating collar
Position4*NumModesFourier coefficients describing the position of the floater.
Velocity4*NumModesFourier coefficients describing the velocity of the floater.
Revision history:
01.01.2012 PCE: Initial version