Parameter | Default | Comment |
Mass2D | - | Mass per unit length of the floating collar [kg] |
E | - | Young's modulus for the pipe [GPa] |
DistPipes | - | Distance between the pipes when the collar consists of two pipes[m] |
NetOffset | 0 | Offset for position of net connection points relative to the ring perimeter [m] |
RadiusPipe | - | Pipe radius [m] |
RadiusFloater | - | Radius of the floating collar [m] |
tWall | - | Thickness of the wall of the pipes [m] |
DampFact | 0.05 | Damping factor for ring motions [-] |
NumModes | 15 | Number of modes used in the modal superposition calculations [#] |
g | 9.81 | Gravity acceleration [m s-2] |
RhoWater | 1025 | Density of water used in simulation [kg m-2] |
RadialSpringOn | 0 | Disables (0) or enables (1) springs that fix the ring to four points in space [-] |
RadialSpringStiffness | 1000 | Stiffness of springs enabled/disabled by RadialSpringOn [-] |
WaveCouplingOn | 1 | Enables/disables coupling between waves and horizontal movement [-] |
DragCoeff | 1.1 | Normal hydrodynamic drag coefficient for floating collar pipes [-] |
TangentialDragCoeff | 0.005 | Tangential hydrodynamic drag coefficient for floating collar pipes [-] |
PipeVisElem | 200 | Number of elements used in visualisation of the pipes [#] |
NumPipes | 2 | Number of pipes the floating consists of (may be set to 1 or 2) [#] |
ViscDampSurgeOn | true | Enables/disables viscous damping in surge direction [bool] |
ViscDampHeaveOn | true | Enables/disables viscous damping in heave direction[bool] |
ViscNonLinDampSurgeOn | false | Enables/disables non-linear viscous damping in surge direction [bool] |
ViscNonLinDampHeaveOn | false | Enables/disables non-linear viscous damping in heave direction [bool] |
ViscDampSurgeAmplFact | 1 | Amplification factor for viscous damping in surge direction [-] |
ViscDampHeaveAmplFact | 1 | Amplification factor for viscous damping in heave direction [-] |
HorizontalBendingStiffnessParallelAxisFactor | 1 | Adjustment factor for rigidity in coupling between two rings with respect to horizontal bending [-] |
NumberOfObservationPortsAHRS | 0 | Number of observation ports for acceleration, velocity, position, rotation velocity and rotation[#] |
NumNetConnections | 0 | Number of connection points between the ring and a net structure [#] |
NumBottomRingConnections | 0 | Number of connection points between the ring and a bottom ring [#] |
NumFasteningConnections | 0 | Number of connection points between the ring and the bridles in a mooring system [#] |
NetForcesStart | 1 | Simulation time at which forces from a net structure should start affecting floating collar (for stability purposes) [s] |
BendingStress_pos | 0 | Angular position along the ring for which bending stress should be written to output [rad] |
RelDispZ_pos | 0 | Angular position along the ring for which relative displacement in z should be written to output [rad] |
RingElev_pos | 0 | Angular position along the ring for which ring elevation should be written to output [rad] |
InitialPosition | 0,0,0 | Initial position of centre point of ring (x,y,z) [m] |
PosNetConnections | - | Vector [NumNetConnections] describing angular position of net connection points [rad] |
PosBottomRingConnections | - | Vector [NumBottomRingConnections] describing angular position of bottom ring connection points [rad] |
PosFasteningConnections | - | Vector [NumFasteningConnections] describing angular position of connection points to bridles in a mooring system [rad] |
Color | - | Primary color of the floater |
Material | "DiffuseSpecular" | The visualization material of the floater, specified by its name. |