Marine systems simulation

Displaying signal values as a billboard.

+ Collaboration diagram for ValuesDisplay:
Karl-Johan Reite
29.11.2013 KJR: Initial version.

Example configuration excerpt

<Lib LibName = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/ValuesDisplay"
Name = "Display"
FilterFrames = "30"
DisplayBox = "0, 20, 0.6, 0.12"
Material = "gray32"
Signal1 = "1,Roll angle,{:4.1f},deg,57.4"
Signal2 = "1,Control signal,{:4.1f},m/s"
Signal3 = "3,Crowfoot.LineForce1,[{:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:4.1f}],kN,0.001"
</Lib Libname = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/Crowfoot"
Name = "CrowFoot"
NumLines = "3"

Input Ports

Name Width Description
In <PortWidth> The input signals.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
FilterFrames 1 The number of visual frames to filter the output, using a FIR filter
DisplayBox 4 The x and y position for upper left corner, widt and heigth in ratio of screen size
Material 1 The material to use as background. The default is transparent.
NumSignals 1 The number of input ports.
Signal<N> Signal size prefix string, value format, suffix string (typically unit) and optionally a multiplier factor

Initial conditions

This simobject has no initial conditions.

Full example file

LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Environment/Basic"
Name = "Environment"
MeanDepth = "190"
BottomRoughness = "5"
SurfaceTextureScale = "1000"
BottomTextureScale = "15"
BottomStructureScale = "50"
TerrainRadius = "1000"
SurfaceDepth = "0"
NumTerrainRings = "170"
LibName = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/ValuesDisplay"
Name = "Display"
FilterFrames = "30"
DisplayBox = "0, 20, 0.6, 0.12"
Material = "gray32"
Signal1 = "3,Pos,[{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}],m"
Signal2 = "3,Vel,[{:.2f} {:.2f} {:.2f}],m/s"
LibName = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/CenterWeight"
Name = "CenterWeight"
Mass = "1000"
Material = "Simple/Green"
Density = "7500"
Environment.CurrentVel = "1, 0, 0"
CenterWeight.Force1 = "10,10,10"
CenterWeight.Force2 = "10,10,10"
CenterWeight.Force3 = "10,10,10"
Display.In1 = "C.Pos"
Display.In2 = "C.Vel"
CenterWeight.Pos = "0,0,-5"
CenterWeight.Vel = "0,0,0"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = ""
TOutput = "0, 1, 30"
LogStates = "0"
Stepsize = "0"
HMax = "0.1"
HMin = "1E-060"
AbsTol = "0.001"
RelTol = "0.001"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:all"

This SimObject is referred to as Trawl/ValuesDisplay