Marine systems simulation
11#ifndef CInternalCable_H
12#define CInternalCable_H
14// Includes
15#include <string>
16#include <SimObject.h>
17#include "ICurrentVel.h"
18#include "sfh/timers/StopWatch.h"
19#include "cable/subroutines/CCableElDynStiff.h"
20#include "sfh/constants.h"
21#include "sfh/math/math.h"
22#include "sfh/linalg.h"
23#include "sfh/math/array.h"
32 int iNumElements;
33 double dDensity;
34 double dNumericalDamping;
35 double dDiameter;
36 double dE;
37 double dDampingRatio;
38 double dFluidRho;
39 double dMaxStep;
40 double dMaxTension;
41 double dMaxAcceleration;
42 double dStepSafetyFactor;
43 double dMeanTension0;
44 double dEAdaptationPeriod;
45 std::string sMaterialName;
46 int iCableFaces;
47 std::string sCableName;
48 double dDrawScale;
52 {
53 Reset();
54 }
56 void Reset()
57 {
58 iNumElements = 2;
59 dDensity = 1100;
60 dNumericalDamping = 1;
61 dDiameter = 0.01;
62 dE = 1e9;
63 dDampingRatio = 1;
64 dFluidRho = 1025;
65 dMaxStep = 1e-10;
66 dMaxTension = 1e10;
67 dMaxAcceleration = 1e10;
68 dStepSafetyFactor = 50;
69 dMeanTension0 = 0;
70 dEAdaptationPeriod = 0;
71 sMaterialName = "Trawl/SteelWire";
72 iCableFaces = 5;
73 sCableName = "";
74 dDrawScale = 1;
75 }
77 double CalcEA()
78 {
79 return sfh::pi * 0.25 * dDiameter * dDiameter* dE;
80 }
86 double dDeltaTheta;
87 double* adTheta;
88 double* adSinTheta;
89 double* adCosTheta;
90 double dTextureScale;
91 double* adCirclePos;
92 double* adFacePosNormal;
93 double* adTextureCoordU;
94 double* adTextureCoordV;
95 int iNumRenderEdges;
96 double dDrawDiam;
97 int* aiIndex;
98 int iSizeIndexBuffer;
104 SCableRenderSpec(int iNumFaces, int iNumElements, double dDrawDiameter)
105 {
106 dDrawDiam = dDrawDiameter;
107 iNumRenderEdges = iNumFaces + 1;
108 iSizeIndexBuffer = iNumElements * iNumRenderEdges * 2;
109 dTextureScale = 5 * (sfh::pi * dDrawDiam);
110 aiIndex = new int [iSizeIndexBuffer];
111 dDeltaTheta = 2 * sfh::pi / iNumFaces;
112 adTheta = new double [iNumRenderEdges];
113 adSinTheta = new double [iNumRenderEdges];
114 adCosTheta = new double [iNumRenderEdges];
115 adCirclePos = new double [ (iNumElements + 1) * (iNumRenderEdges) * 3 ];
116 adFacePosNormal = new double [ (iNumElements + 1) * (iNumRenderEdges) * 3 ];
117 adTextureCoordU = new double [ iNumRenderEdges ];
118 adTextureCoordV = new double [ iNumElements + 1 ];
119 adTextureCoordV[0] = 0;
120 for (unsigned short i = 0; i < iNumRenderEdges; i++)
121 {
122 adTheta[i] = i * dDeltaTheta;
123 adSinTheta[i] = sin(adTheta[i]);
124 adCosTheta[i] = cos(adTheta[i]);
125 adTextureCoordU[i] = adTheta[i] * (sfh::pi * dDrawDiam) / dTextureScale;
126 }
127 int i = 0;
128 for (int iElement = 0; iElement < iNumElements; iElement++)
129 {
130 for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < iNumRenderEdges; iEdge++)
131 {
132 aiIndex[i++] = iElement * iNumRenderEdges + iEdge;
133 aiIndex[i++] = (iElement + 1) * iNumRenderEdges + iEdge;
134 }
135 }
137 }
141 {
142 delete [] adTheta;
143 delete [] adSinTheta;
144 delete [] adCosTheta;
145 delete [] adCirclePos;
146 delete [] adFacePosNormal;
147 delete [] adTextureCoordU;
148 delete [] adTextureCoordV;
149 }
157 void Update(int iElement, const double* adElPosA, const double* adElPosB, const double* adDirection, double dL0 )
158 {
159 // Creating a vector not parallel to the direction of the element.
160 sfh::math::FindNotParallel( adDirection, 3, adNotParallel );
162 // Creating two vectors normal to each other and the direction of the element.
163 sfh::linalg::Cross(adDirection, adNotParallel, adNormal1);
164 sfh::linalg::Cross(adDirection, adNormal1, adNormal2);
165 sfh::math::Normalize3(adNormal1);
166 sfh::math::Normalize3(adNormal2);
167 sfh::math::ArrayMultiply(adNormal1, dDrawDiam/2.0, 3);
168 sfh::math::ArrayMultiply(adNormal2, dDrawDiam/2.0, 3);
169 adTextureCoordV[iElement + 1] = adTextureCoordV[iElement] + dL0 / dTextureScale * 3;
171 for (unsigned short iFace = 0; iFace < iNumRenderEdges; iFace++)
172 {
173 for(unsigned short iInd = 0; iInd < 3; iInd++)
174 {
175 if(iElement == 0)
176 {
177 adFacePosNormal[iElement * ((iNumRenderEdges) * 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd] = adSinTheta[iFace]*adNormal1[iInd] + adCosTheta[iFace]*adNormal2[iInd];
178 adCirclePos[iElement * ((iNumRenderEdges) * 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd] = adElPosA[iInd] + adFacePosNormal[iElement * ((iNumRenderEdges)* 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd];
179 }
180 adFacePosNormal[(iElement + 1) * ((iNumRenderEdges) * 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd] = adSinTheta[iFace]*adNormal1[iInd] + adCosTheta[iFace]*adNormal2[iInd];
181 adCirclePos[(iElement + 1) * ((iNumRenderEdges) * 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd] = adElPosB[iInd] + adFacePosNormal[(iElement + 1) * ((iNumRenderEdges) * 3) + 3 * iFace + iInd];
182 }
183 }
184 }
187 // Varaiables to avoid excessive allocations
188 double adNotParallel[3];
189 double adNormal1[3];
190 double adNormal2[3];
193//Class definition
198 CInternalCable(ISimObjectCreator* pCreator, const SCableSpec& CableSpec);
203 // Member functions
204 virtual void FinalSetup(const double dT, const double *const adX, ISimObjectCreator* const pCreator);
207 virtual void OdeFcn(const double* const adPosA,
208 const double* const adVelA,
209 const double* const adPosB,
210 const double* const adVelB,
211 const double* const adX,
212 double* const adXDot,
213 double dT);
216 virtual bool InitializeStates( const double* const adPosA,
217 const double* const adVelA,
218 const double* const adPosB,
219 const double* const adVelB,
220 double* const adX );
223 void UpdateCable(double dNewLength, double dT);
227 double* const adEndForceA,
228 double* const adEndForceB,
229 double* const pdEndInertiaA,
230 double* const pdEndInertiaB,
231 const double* const adPosA,
232 const double* const adVelA,
233 const double* const adPosB,
234 const double* const adVelB,
235 const double* const adX,
236 double dT);
239 double GetLength();
243 void RenderInit(Ogre::Root* pOgreRoot);
246 void RenderUpdate( const double* const adX, const double* adPosA, const double* adPosB);
249 unsigned long m_iNumElements;
250 unsigned long m_iNumNodes;
252 // Deletes all node forces.
253 void ResetAllNodeForces();
255 // Adds the forces from each cable element to the array of node forces.
256 void AddAllElementForces(const double* const adPosA,
257 const double* const adVelA,
258 const double* const adPosB,
259 const double* const adVelB,
260 const double* const adX,
261 double dT);
263 // Calculates the derivatives of the states of the cable.
264 void CalcDerivatives(const double* const adX,
265 double* const adXDot);
267 // Adds the forces from one element to the array of node forces.
268 virtual void AddElementForce(int iCableElement,
269 const double adPosA[3],
270 const double adVelA[3],
271 const double adPosB[3],
272 const double adVelB[3],
273 double adForceA[3],
274 double adForceB[3],
275 double dT);
280 unsigned long* m_aIStatePos;
281 unsigned long* m_aIStateVel;
283 // Member variables
285 double m_dEA;
286 sfh::timers::StopWatch m_StopWatch;
289 double* m_adInertiaA;
290 double* m_adInertiaB;
291 double** m_aadForceA;
292 double** m_aadForceB;
294 ICurrentVel** m_ppCurrentVel;
295 double m_adElVelWater[3];
296 double m_adElMeanPos[3];
297 double m_adElMeanVel[3];
300 SCableRenderSpec* m_pRenderSpec;
301 Ogre::Root* m_pOgreRoot;
302 Ogre::SceneManager* m_pSceneMgr;
303 Ogre::Entity* m_pRenderElement;
304 Ogre::SceneNode* m_pRenderNode;
305 Ogre::ManualObject* m_pCableRenderObj;
306 double m_dDrawDiam;
307# ifdef ATTACH_SPHERE
308 Ogre::Entity* m_aRenderSphere[2];
309 Ogre::SceneNode* m_aRenderNodeSphere[2];
310# endif
311# endif
Definition: CCableElDynStiff.h:33
Definition: CInternalCable.h:195
void UpdateCable(double dNewLength, double dT)
Updates the cable for the next step.
unsigned long * m_aIStateVel
An array of indices to the node velocity states.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:281
CInternalCable(ISimObjectCreator *pCreator, const SCableSpec &CableSpec)
The constructor sets the pointer to the output object and the parser object.
void UpdateInertia()
Updates the inertia of the cable according to the changing length.
The destructor deletes dynamically allocated memory.
unsigned long m_iNumNodes
The number of nodes of the cable.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:250
double m_dEA
The stiffness of the cable.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:285
SCableSpec m_CableSpec
The cable specification.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:284
double ** m_aadForceA
The force on the A nodes.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:291
CCableElDynStiff ** m_apCableElements
An array holding the cable elements.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:288
virtual bool InitializeStates(const double *const adPosA, const double *const adVelA, const double *const adPosB, const double *const adVelB, double *const adX)
Method for setting initial conditions when the input is known, which may be implemented in the indivi...
double GetLength()
Calculates the length of the cable.
double * m_adInertiaB
The inertia of the B nodes.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:290
void AddEndForcesAndInertia(double *const adEndForceA, double *const adEndForceB, double *const pdEndInertiaA, double *const pdEndInertiaB, const double *const adPosA, const double *const adVelA, const double *const adPosB, const double *const adVelB, const double *const adX, double dT)
Adds the end forces and inertia to the supplied data structures.
double * m_adInertiaA
The inertia of the A nodes.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:289
virtual void OdeFcn(const double *const adPosA, const double *const adVelA, const double *const adPosB, const double *const adVelB, const double *const adX, double *const adXDot, double dT)
Calculates the state derivatives and the end forces.
double ** m_aadForceB
The force on the B nodes.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:292
unsigned long * m_aIStatePos
An array of indices to the node position states.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:280
unsigned long m_iNumElements
The number of elements to divide the cable into.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:249
Definition: ICurrentVel.h:12
Contains some specifications and methods used for rendering cables.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:85
SCableRenderSpec(int iNumFaces, int iNumElements, double dDrawDiameter)
Definition: CInternalCable.h:104
The destructor frees allocated memory.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:140
void Update(int iElement, const double *adElPosA, const double *adElPosB, const double *adDirection, double dL0)
Definition: CInternalCable.h:157
Contains some specifications used for simulating cables.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:31
void Reset()
Resets the specification to the defaults.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:56
double CalcEA()
Calculates the stiffness of the cable.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:77
The constructor sets some default values.
Definition: CInternalCable.h:51