Marine systems simulation
CNetCableElementTest Class Reference

Class containing a cable element object, allowing for disks and spheres to be connected. More...

#include <CNetCableElementTest.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for CNetCableElementTest:

Public Member Functions

 CNetCableElementTest ()
 The constructor.
 CNetCableElementTest (const CNetCableElementTest *pOld)
 The copy constructor.
 CNetCableElementTest (const CNetCableElementTestSpec *pSpec)
 ~CNetCableElementTest ()
 The destructor.
void AddEndForces (const double dRhoWater, const sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &posa, const sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &posb, const sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &vela, const sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &velb, const sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &velf, sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &forceA, sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f &forceB, double angle)
 Calculates the end forces on the cable element.
void SetConstants ()
 Calculates parameters and sets physical constants.
void CalcMassAndWeight ()
 Calculates the mass and weight of the element in water.
bool Divide (int aiNodes[2], int iNewNode, int iNewElementID, CNetCableElementTest **pSNewCable)
 Divides the element in two.
bool CheckAndInitialize ()
 Does the initialization and checking to make sure that the element is ready for simulation.
void DeleteSpheresAndDisks ()
void AddSpheres (float *adD, float *adMass, float *adPos, std::vector< std::string > VsSphereMaterial, int iNum)
void AddDisks (float *adD, float *adThickness, float *adMass, float *adPos, std::vector< std::string > VsDiskMaterial, int iNum)
void AddHydroForcesAppendices (double adForceA[3], double adForceB[3])
 Calculates the hydrodynamic forces on spheres and disks attached to the cable.

Static Public Member Functions

static void * operator new (size_t size)
static void operator delete (void *p)

Public Attributes

int m_conn [2]
 The node numbers that the element is connected to.
int m_iNumSpheres
 The number of spheres connected.
float * m_adSphereD
 The diameter of the connected spheres.
float * m_adSphereMass
 The mass of the connected spheres.
float * m_adSpherePos
 The position of the connected spheres.
int m_iNumDisks
 The number of disks connected.
float * m_adDiskD
 The diameter of the connected disks.
float * m_adDiskThickness
 The thickness of the connected disks.
float * m_adDiskMass
 The mass of the connected disks.
float * m_adDiskPos
 The position of the connected disks.
std::vector< std::string > m_VsDiskMeshName
 The names of the materials of the attached disks.
std::vector< std::string > m_VsSphereMeshName
 The names of the materials of the attached spheres.
std::string m_sCableName
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f n
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f n2 [2]
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f vel
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f vel_t
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f vel_n
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f vel_n_a
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f vel_n_b
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f f_struct
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f f_drag_a
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f f_drag_b
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f force_sphere_a
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f force_sphere_b
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f force_disk_a
sfh::linalg::sse_vec3f force_disk_b
int m_iID
float m_dL0
float m_dD
float m_dDhyd
float m_dE
float m_dRho
float m_dNormalDragCoeff
float m_dDampingRatio
float m_adMassInWater [2]
float m_adWeightInWater [2]
float m_dL0Inv
float lengthArray [3]
float compressionvelArray [3]
float m_length
float m_compressionSpeed
float velArray [3]
float structForceArray [3]
float ma_dDampingCoeff
float m_dEA
float ma_dNormalDragFactor
float ma_dTangentialDragFactor
float m_dA
float m_dragReduction
float m_projectedArea
float m_normalVelocity

Static Public Attributes

static float m_dRhoWater
static float m_dDragCoeffSphere
 The drag coefficient of a sphere.
static float m_dNormalDragCoeffDisk
 The normal drag coefficient of a disk.
static float m_dTangentialFrictionCoeffDisk
 The normal friction coefficient of a disk.
static float m_dTangentialDragCoeffDisk
static float m_dTangentialFrictionCoeff

Detailed Description

Karl-Johan Reite

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