Marine systems simulation
CNetElement3NWithConstraints Member List

This is the complete list of members for CNetElement3NWithConstraints, including all inherited members.

AddNodeForces(const double *const adNodePosA_ned, const double *const adNodePosB_ned, const double *const adNodePosC_ned, const double *const adNodeVelA_ned, const double *const adNodeVelB_ned, const double *const adNodeVelC_ned, const double *const adWaterVel_ned, double *const adNodeForceA_ned, double *const adNodeForceB_ned, double *const adNodeForceC_ned, double dHydroForcesRatio=1.0, double dAddedLinearDrag=0.0) (defined in CNetElement3NWithConstraints)CNetElement3NWithConstraints
CalcNodeInertia(int iNode)CNetElement3NWithConstraints
CNetElement3NWithConstraints(const std::string sNetName, const unsigned long iID, const CNetElementDef *pNetPanel, const double dNy_water, const double dRho_water, const double dKnotDiameterRatio, const double dKnotMomStiff, const double dKknotMomStiff_contact, const double dCnLinearLimitAngle, const double dCnLinear, const double dCnTurb, const double dCnLam, const double dTurbLimit, const double dLamLimit, const double dCt_nominal, const double dCnKnots_nominal, const double dDampingRatio)CNetElement3NWithConstraints
GetNodeWeight(int iNode)CNetElement3NWithConstraints