Marine systems simulation
CNetElement3NWithConstraints Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CNetElement3NWithConstraints (const std::string sNetName, const unsigned long iID, const CNetElementDef *pNetPanel, const double dNy_water, const double dRho_water, const double dKnotDiameterRatio, const double dKnotMomStiff, const double dKknotMomStiff_contact, const double dCnLinearLimitAngle, const double dCnLinear, const double dCnTurb, const double dCnLam, const double dTurbLimit, const double dLamLimit, const double dCt_nominal, const double dCnKnots_nominal, const double dDampingRatio)
 The constructor.
 ~CNetElement3NWithConstraints (void)
 The destructor.
void AddNodeForces (const double *const adNodePosA_ned, const double *const adNodePosB_ned, const double *const adNodePosC_ned, const double *const adNodeVelA_ned, const double *const adNodeVelB_ned, const double *const adNodeVelC_ned, const double *const adWaterVel_ned, double *const adNodeForceA_ned, double *const adNodeForceB_ned, double *const adNodeForceC_ned, double dHydroForcesRatio=1.0, double dAddedLinearDrag=0.0)
double CalcNodeInertia (int iNode)
 Calculates the inertia of a node.
double GetNodeWeight (int iNode)
 Returns the weight of a node.
double GetNumberOfTwineLengthsU ()
 Returns the number of twine lengths in mesh direction u in panel.
double GetNumberOfTwineLengthsV ()
 Returns the number of twine lengths in mesh direction v in panel.
double GetTwineDiameter ()
 Returns the twine diameter in the panel.

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