Marine systems simulation
CNetTwineElementSpec Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 CNetTwineElementSpec (const CNetTwineElementSpec *p)
void Divide (int nodes[2], int newNode, int newElementID, CNetTwineElementSpec **newCable, double distance)

Public Attributes

int m_id
 The ID of the element.
int m_nodeA
 The node numbers that the element is connected to.
int m_nodeB
 The node numbers that the element is connected to.
double m_nodeOffsetA
 The offset between the original nodes of the added node of this cable.
double m_nodeOffsetB
 The offset between the original nodes of the added node of this cable.
int m_connectionsKnotsA
int m_connectionsKnotsB
int m_fromNodes [2]
 The nodes which this cable is constructed by dividing.
double m_refineFactor
 The factor telling how much mesh refinement is desired for this element.
int m_foldingPoints
 The number of knuckle points on the cable.
double m_addedWeightInWater
 The weight in water added to the element.
double m_L
 The relaxed length of the element.
double m_D
 The diameter of the element.
double m_Dhyd
 The diameter of the element.
double m_Dknot
 The diameter of the element.
double m_E
 The Young modulus of the element.
double m_rho
 The density of the element material.
int m_MeshPanelId

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