Marine systems simulation
Netcage::CCircularBuoy Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Netcage::CCircularBuoy:
+ Collaboration diagram for Netcage::CCircularBuoy:

Public Member Functions

 CCircularBuoy (const string &simObjectName, ISimObjectCreator *const creator)
 Reads parameters, registers states, input/output ports and shared resources. More...
virtual void FinalSetup (const double T, const double *const X, ISimObjectCreator *const pCreator)
void OdeFcn (const double T, const double *const X, double *const XDot, const bool IsMajorTimeStep)
 Computes object derivatives as a function of time, states and input ports. More...
virtual const double * PosCables (const double T, const double *const X)
 Output port. Returns current position of buoy cone apex. More...
virtual const double * VelCables (const double T, const double *const X)
 Output port. Returns current velocity of buoy cone apex. More...
virtual const double * WaveElev (const double T, const double *const X)
 Output port. Returns wave elevation from the environmental model at the point defined by waveElevPosition. More...

Protected Member Functions

void ForcesHydrodynamic (const double T, const double *const X)
 Froude-Kriloff and hydrostatic pressure forces summed over the wetted surface. More...
void ForcesPressureInt (const double T, const double *const X)
 Hydrodynamic excitation forces.
void RotationVector (const double T, const double *const X)
 Froude-Kriloff and static pressure forces integrated over instantanous wetted surface.

Protected Attributes

ISignalPort * m_ForceCables
 Output port. Returns current velocity. More...
int m_PositionIndex
 Input port. The external force from chains acting on the buoy.
int m_VelocityIndex
 The index of the position state in the state array.
double m_posCables [3]
 The index of the velocity state in the state array.
double m_velCables [3]
 Position of cable connectors (output variable)
double m_waveElev
 Velocity of cable connectors (output variable)
double m_waveElevPos [2]
 Wave elevation at given (x,y) coordinate (output variable). Used for validation of class WaveEnergySpecter.
double m_qVec [4]
 Chosen position at which wave elevation will be reported.
double m_mass
 Rotation of buoy represented as a quaternion vector (matrix)
double m_radius
 Mass of the buoy.
double m_heightTotal
 Radius of the buoy.
double m_heightCone
 Height (Total included cone) of the bouy.
double m_offsetCables
 Bottom cone height of the buoy.
double m_Cd_xy
 Offset length cable mounting.
double m_Cd_z
 Drag coefficient circular cylinder (x,y)
double m_K3D
 Drag coefficient sphere (z)
bool m_isLinEq
 3D body reduction effect (viscous forces)
double m_linEqSwitch
 Boolean. true if linear dynamic (Froude-Kriloff) and linaer static pressure is to be used.
double m_cog
 Switch. 1 if linear dynamic (Froude-Kriloff) and linaer static pressure is to be used.
double m_a11
 Center of gravity relative to base of cylindrical part of buoy. More...
double m_a33
 Added mass x,y-direction.
double m_a44
 Added mass z-direction.
double m_b11
 Added mass pitch and roll (Faltinsen 1990, Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures)
double m_b33
 Added mass x,y-direction.
double m_b44
 Potential damping z-direction.
double m_c33
 Potential damping in pitch and roll (Faltinsen 1990, Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures)
double m_c44
 Spring stiffness z-direction.
double m_I4
 Spring stiffness in pitch and roll.
double m_rho
 Moment of inertia in pitch and roll approximation (Faltinsen 1990, Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures)
double m_g
 Water density.
 Acceleration of gravity. More...
 Pointer to DeepSeaGravityWaves -> CEnvironment.
double m_F_FK [5]
 Pointer to DeepSeaGravityWaves -> CEnvironment. More...
double m_F_D [5]
 Froude-Kriloff pressure forces.
double m_F_visc [5]
 Diffraction forces.
double m_F_hydTot [5]
 Morison drag forces.
double m_F_SumPress [5]
 Total hydrodynamic forces.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CCircularBuoy()

Netcage::CCircularBuoy::CCircularBuoy ( const string &  simObjectName,
ISimObjectCreator *const  creator 

The constructor performs all initial setup for a circular buoy simobject. Reading in parameters, setting up communication interface i.e. output ports, input ports, and states, plus additional 'one time only' resource setup.

[in]simObjectName-> The name of the simobject
[in]creator-> Retrieve parameters. Register states, ports and shared resources

Member Function Documentation

◆ ForcesHydrodynamic()

void Netcage::CCircularBuoy::ForcesHydrodynamic ( const double  T,
const double *const  X 


◆ OdeFcn()

void Netcage::CCircularBuoy::OdeFcn ( const double  T,
const double *const  X,
double *const  XDot,
const bool  IsMajorTimeStep 

Returns state derivatives. Velocity as derivative of position, (external_force+gravity)/mass as derivative of velocity

[in]T-> Current simulation time
[in]X-> Current simulation state
[out]XDot-> State derivatives
[in]IsMajorTimeStep-> Is this a major time step?

◆ PosCables()

virtual const double * Netcage::CCircularBuoy::PosCables ( const double  T,
const double *const  X 

See PortDefs.h

[in]T-> Current simulation time
[in]X-> Current simulation state
-> Address of current position of buoy cone apex

◆ VelCables()

virtual const double * Netcage::CCircularBuoy::VelCables ( const double  T,
const double *const  X 

See PortDefs.h

[in]T-> Current simulation time
[in]X-> Current simulation state
-> Address of current velocity of buoy cone apex

◆ WaveElev()

virtual const double * Netcage::CCircularBuoy::WaveElev ( const double  T,
const double *const  X 

See PortDefs.h

[in]T-> Current simulation time
[in]X-> Current simulation state
-> Address of wave elevation at waveElevPosition

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_a11

double Netcage::CCircularBuoy::m_a11


◆ m_Environment

CEnvironment* Netcage::CCircularBuoy::m_Environment

Sea environment variables

◆ m_F_FK

double Netcage::CCircularBuoy::m_F_FK[5]

Forces. Hydrodynamic

◆ m_ForceCables

ISignalPort* Netcage::CCircularBuoy::m_ForceCables

See PortDefs.h

[in]T-> Current simulation time
[in]X-> Current simulation state
-> Address of current velocity

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