Marine systems simulation
Netcage::FloatingCollarCoRiBo Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Netcage::FloatingCollarCoRiBo:
+ Collaboration diagram for Netcage::FloatingCollarCoRiBo:


struct  forceCoefficients
 NEW. More...

Public Member Functions

 FloatingCollarCoRiBo (const string &simobjectname, ISimObjectCreator *const creator)
 The constructor sets the pointer to the output object and the parser object.
 ~FloatingCollarCoRiBo ()
 The destructor cleans up.
void OdeFcn (const double T, const double *const X, double *const XDot, const bool IsMajorTimeStep)
void InitialConditionSetup (const double T, const double *const CurrentIC, double *const UpdatedIC, ISimObjectCreator *const Creator)
 Initializes the collar elements in a ring.
virtual void FinalSetup (const double T, const double *const X, ISimObjectCreator *const pCreator)
 Final setup.
const double * GetElementPosition (const double T, const double *const X, int iElem)
 Get Functions.
const double * GetElementVelocity (const double T, const double *const X, int iElem)

Public Attributes

struct Netcage::FloatingCollarCoRiBo::forceCoefficients m_forceCoeffs

Protected Member Functions

void GetExternalForces (const double T, const double *X, ISignalPort **forcesIn, double *forces, int numForces)
 Net forces of an element connected to the net. More...

Protected Attributes

int m_Num
double m_Beta
 number of discrete elements in the collar
int m_numBridles
 main frequency coefficient
int * m_BridleElemIndex
 Number of bridle connectors.
double * m_BridleForces
 Index of elements connected to a bridle.
int m_numNetConnectors
 Bridle forces of an element connected to a bridle.
int * m_NetElemIndex
 Number of net connectors.
double * m_NetForces
 Index of elements connected to the net.
 Constraint solver.
ISignalPort ** m_BridleForcesIn
 Rinf structure.
ISignalPort ** m_NetForcesIn
 Signal port containing forces from bridle connectors.
double m_CollarRingDiameter
 Signal port containing forces from net connections.
double m_CollarTubeDiameter
 Diameter of floating collar centre to centre (c-c) of the pipe.
double m_CollarTubeThickness
 Diamter of the pipe comprising the floating collar.
double m_CollarTubeUnitMass
 Wall thickness of the material comprising the floating collar tube.
bool m_isDoubleTubeCollar
 Tube mass per metre [kg/m].
double m_CollarTubeDistance
 True if floating collar consists of two tubes.
double m_InitPos [3]
 Distance (centre-centre) between the to concetric pipes comprinsing a standard floating collar.
double m_doubleSwitch
 Initial position of the center of the floating collar in (x,y,z) coordinates.
double m_multiply
 Switch for when single (equals 0.0) and double (equals 1.0) pipe floater is used.
double m_Cd_t
 Multiplier for floating collar comprised of two concentric pipes (tubes). Equals 1.0 for one pipe floater, and 2.0 for two pipe floater.
double m_Cd_n
 Drag coefficient. Tangential drag.
double m_Ca [3]
 Drag coefficient. Normal drag.
double m_Cb [3]
 Added mass coefficient array for Mass matrix and diffraction force. 1.0 is equal to mass of displaced water equal to 0.5*rhowater*pi*elemeradius^2*elemlength.
double m_rhoWater
 Potential damping (wave damping) coefficient array for diffraction force. 1.0 is equal to mass of displaced water equal to 0.5*rhowater*pi*elemeradius^2*elemlength.
double m_g
 Density of water. It kind of depends.
 Acceleration of gravity. Not usually something you want to meddle with.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetExternalForces()

void Netcage::FloatingCollarCoRiBo::GetExternalForces ( const double  T,
const double *  X,
ISignalPort **  forcesIn,
double *  forces,
int  numForces 

Get function

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