Marine systems simulation
Setup developer environment

This section handles the creation of new models in FhSim. If, however, you only want to run pre-existing models without doing programming whatsoever, please consider installing FhSim using an installer instead.


You will need recent versions of the following tools:

  • conan >=2, which is a python-based package manager for C/C++ projects.
  • A functional C++ development environment, with a fairly recent compiler, gcc >= 8 or msvc++ >= 14.1.
  • CMake >=3.15 build system generator.
  • git version control system.
  • doxygen documentation generator.
  • Graphviz visualization software.

Make sure these tools are installed before you continue.

Add the sintef-public remote conan:

conan remote add sintef-public

Setup a conan profile:

conan profile new --detect default

Open ~/.conan2/profiles/default or C:/Users/[Username]/.conan2/profiles/default with a text editor and edit the following: For all platforms: compiler.cppstd=17 and on Linux: compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11.

You will also need to acquire a license file, please contact or your SINTEF liaison.

Update doc when FhSim license issuer service is operational.

Getting started

Suppose you are working on a project fhsim_awesome, which is a SimObject library that depends on FhSim. In case you do not have access to such a project, create one with SimObject template tool.

Typical commands to build a project with FhSim is

cd fhsim_awesome
conan install . -s build_type=Release --build missing --update
conan build .
The conan install command takes an option -o fhsim/*:with_visualization= , with default value True, for building the project with or without visualization.

The install command above should have installed the FhSim executables and dependencies to the build/playpen directory. Once your project is built, its SimObject library is located in build/playpen/bin/SimObjectLibraries. When running FhSim executables, it is practical to use build/playpen/bin as working directory. The license file can either be put in this folder, or stored elsewhere and pointed to by the environmental variable SFH_LICENSE_FILE.

Suppose there exist an input file in fhsim_awesome/examples/input/Example.xml. You can run this with FhSim as follows:

cd fhsim_awesome/build/playpen/bin
FhVis ../../../examples/input/Example.xml

If this works you are ready to proceed by creating your own SimObjects, see Create a new SimObject.