Marine systems simulation
Todo List
Page 2 Installation and setup
Update doc when FhSim license issuer service is operational.
Page 7 Additional features
Extend/fix this page and its subpages.
Page 9 License and terms of use

Update license according to new library structure and more.

Should have a list of all dependent software and their licenses

Page Aquaculture Overview
Describe the SimObject Library here
Module aquaculture_CBarge
add details
Module aquaculture_CBottomRing
To be added: Hydrodynamic forces Toroidal MI calculation and thickness parameter Mass per unit length parameter (50-80kg/m ?)
Module aquaculture_CConstantStrainTriangle
Module aquaculture_CIceFloe
Module aquaculture_CMultiIceFloe
Module aquaculture_CRFShell
Module aquaculture_FloeDetectRegion
Module base_C6DBody
Fix documentation equations.
Module base_CBasicEnvironment

Describe this

Add description on general parameters and check description of vizualization parameters

Module base_CBillboardArrow
Add details
Module base_CNorrbinTanker

Add outputs details

Add initial conditions.

Add configs details This SimObject does not contain any configuration parameters.

Add inputs details

Add description.

Module base_CSimpleBillboardArrow

Add details when simObject is working as intended.

add complete example file, when the simObject is working as intended.

Module base_ExternalLinkStandard
Add more details on how to use this
Module base_VirtualCurrent

Add config file.

add default values for integral error and error derivative, and add this in doc

Add init conds.

Add example excerpt.

Page BatchSim
BatchSim building and documentation
Module coribo_WinchableCable

Figure out how to fix this.

add more info

Module environment_CNetCDFField
Add documentation for NetCDF field SimObject
Page Fishery Overview
Describe the SimObject Library here
Module fishery_CActuator

add example input (why not Example.xml?)

Add config details

Add description (What type of actuator?).

Module fishery_CCenterWeight
Add config details (What is Force1, Force2 and Force3?)
Module fishery_CCrowfoot
Add config details
Module fishery_CPidController

Add config details

Complete description of conf. params, and check example file.

Module fishery_CSeineConnector
This is wrongly documented?
Module fishery_CToTrawlDoor

Add config details

Fix missing resource "traaldoer", and change Mesh in example file. Also make a more complete example file.

Complete documentation (What is Force1, Force2 and Force3?).

Module fishery_CToVessel

Add config details

Fix missing resource "skrogUpdated", and change MeshName in example file.

Complete documentation, and fix example file.

Module fishery_CTrawlDoor_base

Add example file. (Same as Simple trawl door?)

Add config details

Fix missing resource "traaldoer", and change Mesh in example file.

Complete documentation (What is Force1, Force2 and Force3? Same for Pos and Vel output ports).

Module marine_elements_C6DofCable
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file (coribo? Baumgarte?).
Module marine_elements_CCableBranched
Check and finish documentation, and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CCableConnector
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CDisk
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CNetStructure
Finish documentation and make complete example file.
Module marine_elements_CNetStructureArray

Add complete example file.

Finish documentation and make complete example file.

Module marine_elements_CNetStructureWakeEffect

Add complete example file.

Finish documentation and make complete example file.

Module marine_elements_CRBCable
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CRigidBarCable
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CRing
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_CRMCable

Add complete example file.

Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file (coribo? Baumgarte?).

Module marine_elements_CSphere
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Module marine_elements_mooring_interaction
Improve documentation
Module marine_elements_MooringCable
Add documentation.
Module marine_elements_TrawlBeam
Add documentation.
Page Maritime Overview
Describe the SimObject Library here
Module maritime_LocalConnection
ensure that documentation and implementation are synced
Module maritime_Propeller
Missing image html propeller2.png "The definition of the increased velocity over the propeller disk and the contraction of the propeller jet stream"
Page Setup developer environment
Update doc when FhSim license issuer service is operational.