Marine systems simulation
Basic environment

Simulation of a basic sea environment.

+ Collaboration diagram for Basic environment:
Describe this
Karl-Johan Reite
01.01.2006 KJR: Initial version.

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "DefaultEnvironment"
Name = "env"

Input ports

Name Width Description
CurrentVel 3 Uniform current velocity [meter per second]

Output Ports

This SimObject does not contain any outputs.

Configuration parameters

Add description on general parameters and check description of vizualization parameters

General parameters for the BasicEnvironment:

Name Width Description
MeanDepth 1 The average depth.
BottomRoughness 1 A measure of the roughness of the sea floor [m].
BottomStructureScale 1 A measure of the size of the bottom structures
BottomDampingHor 1 The firmness of the bottom, how much it dampens horisontal movements of something dragged through it.
BottomDampingVert 1 The firmness of the bottom, how much it dampens vertical movements of something dragged through it.
BottomHardness 1 The hardness of the bottom.
BottomDensity 1 The density of the bottom, used for calculating the buoyancy of structures submerged into it.
BottomCableDampingTangential 1 The amount of damping on a cable due to longitudinal movements.
BottomCableDampingNormal 1 The amount of damping on a cable due to transversal movements.

Parameters related to the BasicEnvironment with visualization:

Name Width Description
SurfaceTextureScale 1 Surface texture scale in visualization (Default: 1000)
BottomTextureScale 1 Bottom texture scale in visualization (Default: 150)
TerrainRadius 1 Radius of the terrain in the visualization [m] (Default: 500)
SurfaceDepth 1 Depth of ocean surface [m] (Default: 0)
NumTerrainRings 1 Description here
Framerate 1 Framerate of the visualization [fps]
SurfaceMaterial 1 The visualization material for the surface (Default: base/Ocean)
SubSurfaceMaterial 1 The Visualization material for sub surface (Default:base/SubOceanSurface )
SeabedMaterial 1 The visualization material for the seabed (Default: base/Seabed)

Initial conditions

This SimObject does not contain any initial conditions.

Full example file

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Environment/Basic"
Name = "Environment"
MeanDepth = "200"
BottomRoughness = "5"
BottomStructureScale = "50"
BottomDampingHor = "2000"
BottomDampingVert ="10000"
BottomHarness = "2000"
BottomDensity = "5000"
BottomCableDampingTangential = "0.1"
BottomCableDampingNormal = "1.0"
SurfaceTextureScale = "1000"
BottomTextureScale = "150"
TerrainRadius = "5000"
SurfaceDepth = "0"
NumTerrainRings = "100"
FrameRate = "30"
SurfaceMaterial = "base/Ocean"
SubSurfaceMaterial = "base/SubOceanSurface"
SkyboxMaterial = "base/Skybox/LightCloudy"
SeabedMaterial = "base/SeabedUneven"
<Connection Environment.CurrentVel ="0.5,0.2,0" />
TOutput="0, 0:1e-1:Inf, 150"
stepsize ="4e-6"

This SimObject is referred to as Environment/Basic