A simple disk.
- Todo:
- Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Example configuration excerpt
LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "Net/Disk"
Name = "Disk"
Rho = "1025"
DiskD = "1"
DiskT = "0.1"
DiskMass = "10"
D = "0.01"
DiskMesh = "fhDisk.mesh"
DiskMaterial = "firebrick2"
Input Ports
Name | Width | Description |
Force | 3 | ... |
Output Ports
Name | Width | Description |
Position | 3 | Position of the disk. |
ForceB | 3 | Velocity of the disk. |
Configuration parameters
Name | Width | Description |
Rho | 1 | ... (Default: 1025) |
DiskD | 1 | Diameter of disk (Default: 1). |
DiskT | 1 | Disk thickness (Default: 0.1). |
DiskMass | 1 | Mass of disk (Default: 10). |
D | 1 | Diameter of cable (Default: 0.01). |
DiskMesh | 1 | Disk mesh material for visualization. |
DiskMaterial | 1 | Disk visualization material. |
Initial conditions
Name | Width | Description |
Position | 3 | Position of the disk (Default: "0,0,0"). |
Velocity | 3 | Velocity of the disk (Default: "0,0,0"). |
Full example file
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "DefaultEnvironment"
Name = "Environment"
Seadepth = "500"
Density = "1000"
CurrentVelocity = "1,0,0"
LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "Net/Disk"
Name = "Disk"
Rho = "1025"
DiskD = "1"
DiskT = "0.1"
DiskMass = "10"
D = "0.01"
DiskMesh = "fhDisk.mesh"
DiskMaterial = "firebrick2"
Disk.Force = "0,0,0"
Disk.Position = "0,0,0"
Disk.Velocity = "0,0,0"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = "1"
TOutput = "0, 1, 40"
LogStates = "1"
Stepsize = "0"
HMax = "0.1"
HMin = "1E-060"
AbsTol = "0.001"
RelTol = "0.001"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:states"
This SimObject is referred to as Net/Disk