Marine systems simulation
Two-port cable connector

A simple two-port connector with 3 degrees of freedom for joining the ends of cables to make loops.

+ Collaboration diagram for Two-port cable connector:
Brad Schofield
2011.07.19 BS: Initial version.
Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "RbCable/CableConnector"
Name = "CONN"
Mass = "50"
Length = "0.1,0.0,0.0"
Material = "Simple/Black"
Mesh = "fhSphere.mesh"
Scale = "1.0"

Input Ports

Name Width Description
ForceA 3 Position of end point A.
ForceB 3 Position of end point B.

Output Ports

Name Width Description
PosA 3 The force acting on end point A.
PosB 3 The force acting on end point B.
VelA 3 The velocity acting on end point B.
VelB 3 The velocity acting on end point B.

Configuration parameters

Conf. param. not related to visualization

Name Width Description
Mass 1 Mass of connector.
Length 1 Length of connector (Default: "0.1,0.0,0.0").

Conf. param. related to visualization

Name Width Description
Material 1 Material of connector (Default: simple/Black).
Mesh 1 Mesh of connector (Default: fhsphere.mesh)
Scale 1 (Default: 1.0)

Initial conditions

Name Width Description
Pos 3 Position of connectors center of mass.
Vel 3 Velocity of connector.

Full example file

LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "RbCable/CableConnector"
Name = "CONN"
Mass = "50"
Length = "0.1,0.0,0.0"
Material = "Simple/Black"
Mesh = "fhSphere.mesh"
Scale = "1.0"
LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "RbCable/6DofCable"
Name = "CAB"
Length = "20"
numElements = "7"
Alpha = "1"
Beta = "1"
Epsilon = "1e-6"
Weight = "200"
Radius = "0.01"
Damping_Tangential = "0.01"
Damping_Normal = "1.2"
CONN.ForceA = "CAB.forceA"
CONN.ForceB = "CAB.forceB"
CAB.posA = "CONN.PosA"
CAB.posB = "CONN.PosB"
CAB.velA = "CONN.VelA"
CAB.velB = "CONN.VelB"
CONN.Pos = "0,0,0"
CONN.Vel = "0,0,0"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = "1"
TOutput = "0, 1, 10"
LogStates = "0"
Stepsize = "1e-4"
HMax = "100"
HMin = "1e-6"
AbsTol = "1e-7"
RelTol = "1e-7"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:states"