Marine systems simulation
Simple billboard arrow

SimObject draws a directed arrow from a point in a scene between two (moving) points, with numbers/text passed as inputs.

+ Collaboration diagram for Simple billboard arrow:

CSimpleBillboardArrow implements this.

Add details when simObject is working as intended.
This simObject results in an error (missing font) when run with visualization. The simObjects documentation is also not complete.
Font name BlueHighway not found.

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Visual/SimpleBillboardArrow"
Name = "SBA"
TxtSize = "1.0"
Suffix = "A"
Prefix = "B"
Precision = "1"
Scaling = "1.0"

Input Ports

Name Width Description
Pos 3 Position of the billboard arrow.
Vector 3 ...
Visible 1 ...

Output Ports

This SimObject does not contain any outputs.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
TextSize 1 Size of the billboard text (Default: 1.0).
Prefix 1 Prefix of the string (Default: [empty string]).
Suffix 1 Suffix of the string (Default: [empty string]).
Precision 1 ... (Default: 1)
Scaling 1 ... (Default: 1.0).

Initial conditions

This SimObject does not contain any initial conditions.

Full example file

add complete example file, when the simObject is working as intended.

This SimObject is referred to as Visual/SimpleBillboardArrow