Marine systems simulation
Center weight mass

Simulation of a center weight for double trawl systems.

+ Collaboration diagram for Center weight mass:
Karl-Johan Reite
01.01.2006 KJR: Initial version.
26.05.2011 KJR: Rewritten to new version of FhSim.

This is basically just a mass object with gravitational forces and three external forces.

\begin{eqnarray*} \dot{\vec{x_1}} &=& \vec{x_2} \\ \dot{\vec{x_2}} &=& \frac{\sum \vec{F}}{m} \end{eqnarray*}

, where

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/CenterWeight"
Name = "C"
Mass = "1000"
Material = "Simple/Green"
Density = "7500"
Add config details (What is Force1, Force2 and Force3?)

Input Ports

Name Width Description
Force1 3 A force acting on the center weight.
Force2 3 A force acting on the center weight.
Force3 3 A force acting on the center weight.

Output Ports

Name Width Description
Pos 3 Position.
Vel 3 Velocity.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
Mass 1 The mass of the center weight object.
Density 1 The density of the center weight object.
Material 1 The visualization material of the center weight, specified by its name.
Mesh 1 The visualization mesh (geometry) of the center weight, specified by its filename (Default: fhSphere.mesh).
Scale 1 The scale of the center weight, related to the mesh. (Default: 1)

Initial conditions

Name Width Description
Pos 3 Initial Position.
Vel 3 Initial Velocity.

Full example file

LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Environment/Basic"
Name = "Env"
MeanDepth = "55"
BottomRoughness = "5"
SurfaceTextureScale = "1000"
BottomTextureScale = "15"
BottomStructureScale = "50"
TerrainRadius = "1000"
SurfaceDepth = "0"
NumTerrainRings = "170"
LibName = "fishery"
SimObject = "Trawl/CenterWeight"
Name = "C"
Mass = "1000"
Material = "Simple/Green"
Density = "7500"
Env.CurrentVel = "2.5,0,0"
C.Force1 = "10,10,10"
C.Force2 = "10,10,10"
C.Force3 = "10,10,10"
C.Pos = "0,0,-5"
C.Vel = "0,0,0"
IntegratorMethod ="2"
NumCores ="1"
TOutput ="0, 1, 30"
LogStates ="1"
stepsize ="0"
HMax ="0.002"
HMin ="0.00000001"
AbsTol ="1e-3"
RelTol ="1e-3"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm ="0"
FileOutput ="objects:all"

This SimObject is referred to as Trawl/CenterWeight