- Author
- Jørgen Haavind Jensen
- Date
- Q3 2011 JHJ: Initial version.
- Todo:
- Complete documentation of conf. params and check example file.
Example configuration excerpt
LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "RbCable/Ring"
Name = "C"
Length = "20"
numElements = "7"
AlphaN = "1.0"
BetaN = "1.0"
EpsilonN = "0.0001"
AlphaM = "1.0"
BetaM = "1.0"
EpsilonM = "0.0001"
AlphaT = "1.0"
BetaT = "1.0"
EpsilonT = "0.0001"
Weight = "200"
Radius = "0.1"
BouyancyFactor = "0.1"
CentrePosInit = "0.0,0.0,0.0"
Damping_Tangential = "0.01"
Damping_Normal = "1.2"
Input Ports
If addinional connections are specified in configuration parameters, then the following are the simObjects input ports:
Name | Width | Description |
Force<1>...Force<NumConnectors> | <NumInputsPerConnector> | Additional connections |
Output Ports
If addinional connections are specified in configuration parameters, then the following are the simObjects output ports:
Name | Width | Description |
ConnectorPos<1>...Force<NumConnectors> | <NumInputsPerConnector> | Additional connections |
Configuration parameters
Name | Width | Description |
Length | 1 | Length of cable |
numElements | 1 | Number of internal mass elements. |
AlphaN | 1 | ... |
BetaN | 1 | ... |
EpsilonN | 1 | ... |
AlphaM | 1 | ... |
BetaM | 1 | ... |
EpsilonM | 1 | ... |
AlphaT | 1 | ... |
BetaT | 1 | ... |
EpsilonT | 1 | ... |
Weight | 1 | Weight of the cable. |
Radius | 1 | Radius of the cable. |
BouyancyFactor | 1 | ... (Default: 0.1) |
CentrePosInit | 1 | ... (Default: "0.0,0.0,0.0") |
AdditionalConnectors | 1 | Whether or not there are additional connectors. If there are, NumConnectors and NumInputsPerConnector needs to be set (Default: false) |
NumConnectors | 1 | Number of additional connectors (Default: 0) |
NumInputsPerConnector | 1 | Width of additional connectors (Default: 0) |
Damping_Tangential | 1 | Tangential damping coefficient. (Default: 0) |
Damping_Normal | 1 | Normal damping coefficient. (Default: 0) |
Initial conditions
Name | Width | Description |
pos<i> | 3 | Position of point \(i \in {1\cdots\text{numElements}}\). |
vel<i> | 3 | Velocity of point \(i \in {1\cdots\text{numElements}}\). |
theta<i> | 4 | Orientation in quaternion of point \(i \in {1\cdots\text{numElements}}\).. |
omega<i> | 3 | Angular velocity in rad per second of point \(i \in {1\cdots\text{numElements}}\).. |
Full example file
LibName = "marine_elements"
SimObject = "RbCable/Ring"
Name = "C"
Length = "20"
numElements = "7"
AlphaN = "1.0"
BetaN = "1.0"
EpsilonN = "0.0001"
AlphaM = "1.0"
BetaM = "1.0"
EpsilonM = "0.0001"
AlphaT = "1.0"
BetaT = "1.0"
EpsilonT = "0.0001"
Weight = "200"
Radius = "0.1"
BouyancyFactor = "0.1"
CentrePosInit = "0.0,0.0,0.0"
Damping_Tangential = "0.01"
Damping_Normal = "1.2"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = "1"
TOutput = "0, 1, 10"
LogStates = "0"
Stepsize = "1e-4"
HMax = "100"
HMin = "1e-6"
AbsTol = "1e-7"
RelTol = "1e-7"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:all"