Marine systems simulation
Distance arrow

SimObject implements an arrow between two (moving) points, with number indicating the distance.

+ Collaboration diagram for Distance arrow:

CDistArrow implements this.

Vegar Johansen
16.05.2008 VJ : Initial version.

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Visual/DistArrow"
Name = "ARR"
TxtSize = "1.0"
Suffix = "abc"
Precision = "1"

Input Ports

Name Width Description
PosA 3 Position of the point at arrow start.
PosB 3 Position of the point at arrow end.
Visible 1 Values larger than 0.5 sets visibility on. Lower values hides it.

Output Ports

This SimObject does not contain any outputs.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
TextSize 1 Size of the billboard text (Default: 1.0).
Suffix 1 Suffix of the string (Default: [empty string]).
Precision 1 Precision of the displayed numbers. (Default: 1).

Initial conditions

This SimObject does not contain any initial conditions.

Full example file

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Camera/Controller2"
Name = "CAM"
NumInput = "4"
Time = "0,1,2,3"
UseDegrees = "1"
Interpolate ="1"
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Body/Mass"
Name = "M1"
Scale = "1"
Mass = "1"
Material = "Simple/Red"
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Body/Mass"
Name = "M2"
Scale = "1"
Mass = "1"
Material = "Simple/Green"
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Body/Mass"
Name = "M3"
Scale = "1"
Mass = "1"
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Body/Mass"
Name = "M4"
Scale = "1"
Mass = "1"
Material = "Simple/Black"
LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Camera/Shot"
Name = "camshot"
Filename = "shot.png"
Start = "0"
Video = "1"
Stop = "5"
FrameRateControl = "FPS"
FrameRateValue = "30"
Refinement = "1"
Path = ""
LibName = "base"
SimObject = "DefaultEnvironment"
Name = "Env"
Seadepth = "500"
Density = "1000"
CurrentVelocity = "0,0,0"
CAM.Position1 = "-10,0,0"
CAM.Position2 = "0,-10,0"
CAM.Position3 = "10,0,0"
CAM.Position4 = "0,10,0"
CAM.Pitch1 = "0"
CAM.Pitch2 = "0"
CAM.Pitch3 = "0"
CAM.Pitch4 = "0"
CAM.Yaw1 = "0"
CAM.Yaw2 = "90"
CAM.Yaw3 = "180"
CAM.Yaw4 = "270"
M1.Force = "0,0,0"
M2.Force = "0,0,0"
M3.Force = "0,0,0"
M4.Force = "0,0,0"
M1.Pos = "0,0,0"
M2.Pos = "10,-20,0"
M3.Pos = "20,-10,0"
M4.Pos = "-10,20,0"
M1.Vel = "0,0,0"
M2.Vel = "0,0,0"
M3.Vel = "0,0,0"
M4.Vel = "0,0,0"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = "1"
TOutput = "0,5"
LogStates = "1"
stepsize = "0"
HMax = "0.002"
HMin = "0.00000001"
AbsTol = "1e-3"
RelTol = "1e-3"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:all"

This SimObject is referred to as Visual/DistArrow