Marine systems simulation
Progress bar

Simulation progress bar to terminal output.

+ Collaboration diagram for Progress bar:

Writes the current time progression of fhsim to the terminal. If the end time is infinity, the output progression will always be zero.

Example configuration excerpt

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Sink/ProgressBar"
Name = "p"

Input Ports

This SimObject does not contain any inputs.

Output Ports

This SimObject does not contain any outputs.

Initial conditions

This SimObject does not contain any initial conditions.

Full example file

LibName = "base"
SimObject = "Sink/ProgressBar"
Name = "P"
IntegratorMethod = "2"
NumCores = "1"
TOutput = "0,20"
LogStates = "1"
stepsize = "0.1"
HMax = "0.002"
HMin = "0.00000001"
AbsTol = "1e-3"
RelTol = "1e-3"
UseRSSNormInsteadOfInfNorm = "0"
FileOutput = "objects:all"

This SimObject is referred to as Sink/ProgressBar