Marine systems simulation
Fish::TriangularNetElement::NetData Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

void SetStandardValues ()
 = EModulus * TwineCrossSecArea.
double CalculateMeshVolume (double NodalDistribution[3]=nullptr)

Public Attributes

double CnLinearLimitAngle
double CnLinear
 = 4*pi/180 Angle (in radians) below which a linear model for the normal force coefficient Cn applies (Ersdal and Faltinsen, 2006, Table 3).
double CnTurb
 = 0.068 Constant in the expression for the linear model of the normal force coefficient Cn (Ersdal and Faltinsen, 2006, Table 3)
double CnLam
 = 0.8 Constant in the expression for the modified cross-flow principle for the normal force coefficient Cn (Ersdal& Faltinsen, 2006, Eqs. 27 & 28 and Table 3).
double TurbLimit
 = 1.15 Constant in the expression for the modified cross-flow principle for the normal force coefficient Cn (Ersdal& Faltinsen, 2006, Eqs. 27 & 28 and Table 3).
double LamLimit
 = 3.4*10^5 Value defining upper limit for turbulent boundary layer (Ersdal& Faltinsen, 2006, Eqs. 27 & 28 and Table 3), accounting for the 'real' Reynolds number due to the twines having an angle to the effective hydrodynamic velocity and thus increasing the hydrodynamic length.
double Ct_nominal
 = 2.0*10^5 Value defining lower limit for laminar boundary layer (Ersdal& Faltinsen, 2006, Eqs. 27 & 28 and Table 3), accounting for the 'real' Reynolds number due to the twines having an angle to the effective hydrodynamic velocity and thus increasing the hydrodynamic length.
double CnKnots_nominal
 = 0.01 Approximate tangential drag force coefficient for cylinders (Ersdal, 2004; White, 1972, 1988, 1991; Ackroyd, 1982). Curvature of cylinder implies increased tangential friction force compared to flat plate results. Relevant values for Ct for cylinders typically varies from 0.008 to 0.015. To be multiplied by PI due to the typical expression for the drag force.
double DampingCoeff
 = 1.15 Knot drag force coefficient by approximation (Fredheim and Enerhaug, personal communication). To be multiplied by PI and knot radius squared due to the typical expression for the drag force.
double BarD
 A coefficient used to calculate rotational and structural damping.
double KnotD
 Diameter of twines.
double BarL0
 Diameter of knots.
double NodeAPos_mesh [2]
 Length of mesh bar.
double NodeBPos_mesh [2]
 Position of node A in net mesh (u,v) coordinates (Priour, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005)
double NodeCPos_mesh [2]
 Position of node B in net mesh (u,v) coordinates (Priour, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005)
double TwineEA
 Position of node C in net mesh (u,v) coordinates (Priour, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005)

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