Marine systems simulation
CCableBranched Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CCableBranched:
+ Collaboration diagram for CCableBranched:

Public Member Functions

 CCableBranched (std::string sSimObjectName, ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
 The constructor sets the pointer to the output object and the parser object.
 CCableBranched (std::string sSimObjectName)
virtual void aFunction (std::string sSimObjectName, ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
 ~CCableBranched ()
 The destructor deletes dynamically allocated memory.
virtual void OdeFcn (const double dT, const double *const adX, double *const adXDot, const bool bIsMajorTimeStep)
void FinalSetup (const double dT, const double *const adX, ISimObjectCreator *const pCreator)
void InitialConditionSetup (const double dT, const double *const adCurrentIC, double *const adUpdatedIC, ISimObjectCreator *const pCreator)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void CreateStates (ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
void CalcOutput (const double dT, const double *const adX)
void OutputExternalConnForces (double dT, const double *adX)
void GetPosAndVelPointer (int iNode, double dT, const double *const adX, const double **const padPos, const double **const padVel)
const double * GetPosPointer (int iNode, double dT, const double *const adX)
virtual void AddBottomForces (double dT, const double *const adX)
 Adds the bottom forces to the main nodes.
virtual void CreateDataStructures ()
virtual void CreateInputports (ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
virtual void CreateOutputports (ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
void CheckNodeNumber (int iNodeNumber, std::string sNodeDescription, ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
 Checks to see if a specified nodenumber is ok.
const double * ExternalForce (const double dT, const double *const adX, int i)
const double * ExternalTension (const double dT, const double *const adX, int i)
const double * SectionLength (const double dT, const double *const adX, int i)

Protected Attributes

ISignalPort ** m_apInVel
 The velocity input port s.
ISignalPort ** m_apInPos
 The position input ports.
ISignalPort ** m_apInLength
 The cable sections length port.
ICommonComputation * m_pCommonCalc
 Calculations necessary for more than one output port.
int * m_aIStatePos
 An array of indices to the node position states.
int * m_aIStateVel
 An array of indices to the node velocity states.
int * m_aIStateCable
 An array of indices to the cable sections states.
int m_iNumElements
 The number of elements to divide the cable into.
int m_iNumNodesCalc
 The number of nodes of the cable between the cable elements.
int m_iNumCableSections
 The number of cable sections in the branched cable, where each section may be comprised of one or more elements.
int m_iNumNodesGlobal
 The number of nodes of the branched cable used for conecting the internal cable sections.
int m_iNumExternalConn
 The number of external connections.
int * m_aiNodeConnections
 The nodes connected to each cable section.
int m_iCableFaces
 The number of faces of the cable visuaization.
double m_dStepSafetyFactor
 The safety factor when calculating the Young modulus of the element.
double m_dEAdaptationPeriod
 The time constant of the adaptation of the mean tension.
double m_dNumericalDamping
 The numerical damping of the cable.
double m_dFluidRho
 The density of the surrounding fluid.
double m_dMaxAcceleration
 The value to truncate the acceleration of each node to.
double m_dMaxStep
 The maximum steplength of the simulation.
double * m_dMeanTension
 The mean tension of the cable.
double * m_dStiffness
 The linear stiffness of the cable.
double * m_adRelaxedLength
 The relaxed length of the cable.
double * m_adRelaxedLength_d
 The desired relaxed length of the cable.
double m_dMaxLengthChangeSpeed
 The maximum speed of the cable length change.
double * m_dDampingRatio
 The damping ratio to specify the internal damping.
double * m_dDensity
 The density of the cable material.
double * m_dE
 The stiffness of the cable material.
double * m_dDiameter
 The diameter of the cable.
double * m_dMaxTension
 The maximum tension in the cable.
double * m_adNodeInertia
 The inertia of the calculation nodes belonging to this simObject.
double * m_adNodeForce
 The force on the calculation nodes belonging to this simObject.
double * m_adLengths
 The lengths of the cable elements.
std::string m_sMaterialName
 The material name of the cable;.
double m_dDrawScale
 The scale for which to draw the cable diameter.
double * m_adExternalTensions
CInternalCable ** m_apCableSections
 An array holding the cable sections.
const double * m_padVelWater
IBasicBottom ** m_ppBottom
ICurrentVel ** m_ppCurrentVel

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