Marine systems simulation
Hydro Ball

Hydrodynamic sphere with gravity, buoyancy, drag, and external forces.

+ Collaboration diagram for Hydro Ball:

HydroBall is a SimObject that models a hydrodynamic ball completely submerged in water. The ball is under the influence of gravity, buoyancy, hydrodynamic drag, and external forces. The SimObject is primarily created to illustrate the use of KalmanObject in FhSim. It is assumed that the water density is 1000 and that the drag coefficient (for Morison drag) is 0.5.

Joakim Haugen

Example file input:

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Example/HydroBall"
Name = "Ball"
Radius = "1"
Density = "2000"
Ball.ExternForce = "Cable.ForceB"
Ball.Current = "Current.Out"
Ball.Position = "0,6.15,18.9"
Ball.Velocity = "0,0,0"

Input Ports

Name Width Description
ExternForce 3 External forces acting on the ball, e.g. from other SimObjects.
Current 3 The uniform current of the surrounding water.

Output Ports

Name Width Description
Position 3 The position of the centroid of the ball.
Velocity 3 The linear velocity of the ball.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
Radius 1 Radius of the ball [meter].
Density 1 Density of the ball [kg/m^3].

Initial conditions

Name Width Description
Position 3 -.
Velocity 3 -.

Full example file

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Example/HydroBall"
Name = "Ball"
Radius = "1.0"
Density = "1100"
LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Example/HydroCable"
Name = "Cable"
Diameter = "0.02"
Density = "2000"
Modulus = "20"
Length = "20"
InternalPoints = "7"
LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Src/Sine"
Name = "NorthCurrent"
PortWidth = "1"
PhaseRad = "0"
PeriodS = "200"
StartTime = "0"
StopTime = "-1"
Bias = "0.7"
Amplitude = "0.3"
LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Signal/Mux"
Name = "Current"
NumInput = "3"
PortWidth = "3"
InPortWidth1 = "1"
InPortWidth2 = "1"
InPortWidth3 = "1"
Ball.ExternForce = "Cable.ForceB"
Ball.Current = "Current.Out"
Current.In1 = "NorthCurrent.Out"
Current.In2 = "0.5"
Current.In3 = "0.1"
Cable.PositionA = "0,0,0"
Cable.PositionB = "Ball.Position"
Cable.VelocityA = "0,0,0"
Cable.VelocityB = "Ball.Velocity"
Cable.Current = "Current.Out"
Ball.Position = "0,6.15,18.9"
Ball.Velocity = "0,0,0"
TOutput="0, 0:1e-1:Inf, 1000"
stepsize ="2e-5"

This SimObject is referred to as Example/HydroBall