Marine systems simulation

Simple kinematic pendulum.

+ Collaboration diagram for Pendulum:

Pendulum is a very simple pendulum described by angle and angular velocity dynamics. Only influenced by gravity.

Joakim Haugen

Example configuration excerpt

<Lib LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Example/Pendulum"
Name = "Pendle"
Position = "0,0,0"
Length = "3"
Pen.Angle = "1.0"
Pen.AngularVelocity = "0"

Input Ports

There are no input ports

Output Ports

Name Width Description
Angle 1 The angle in radians of the pendulum with respect to the z-axis.
AngularVelocity 1 The angular velocity of the above angle.

Configuration parameters

Name Width Description
Length 1 Length of the pendulum arm [meter].
Position 3 North, east, and down position of the suspension point [m^3].

Initial conditions

Name Width Description
Angle 1 -.
AngularVelocity 1 -.

Full example file

LibName = "fhsim_base"
SimObject = "Example/Pendulum"
Name = "Pen"
Length = "3"
Position = "0,0,0"
Material = "darkseagreen"
Pen.Angle = "1.0"
Pen.AngularVelocity = "0"
TOutput="0, 0:1e-1:Inf, 100"
stepsize ="1e-5"

This SimObject is referred to as Example/Pendulum