Marine systems simulation
CBasicEnvironment Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for CBasicEnvironment:
+ Collaboration diagram for CBasicEnvironment:

Public Member Functions

 CBasicEnvironment (std::string sSimObjectName, ISimObjectCreator *pCreator)
 The constructor sets the pointer to the output object and the parser object.
 ~CBasicEnvironment ()
 The destructor cleans up.
virtual void OdeFcn (const double dT, const double *const adX, double *const adXDot, const bool bIsMajorTimeStep)
 Calculates the state derivatives.
virtual void FinalSetup (const double dT, const double *const adX, ISimObjectCreator *const pCreator)
 Make final preparations before simulation starts. Called before RenderInit.
void BottomSetup ()

Protected Member Functions

void InitParameters ()
 Sets the parameters of the mass object.

Protected Attributes

ISignalPort * m_pInCurrentVel
 A pointer to the input current velocity.
 The bottom object.
 The bottom object.
double m_dMeanDepth
double m_dBottomRoughness
double m_dBottomStructureScale
double m_dSeaFloorDampingHor
double m_dSeaFloorDampingVert
double m_dSeaFloorHardness
double m_dSeaFloorDensity
double m_dCableDampingTangential
double m_dCableDampingNormal

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