Marine systems simulation

SimObjects mainly related to math operations. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Math:


 Low-pass filter
 Simple low-pass filter.
 The output is the absolute value of the input.
 A Bias, or offset,which is given as a parameter, is added to the input.
 Output is the time derivative of input.
 Divides inputs.
 A general gain object with port width and gain ratio decided by input parameters.
 Integrates signal.
 Linear mapping
 Linear combination mapping.
 Linear system
 Linear time-invariant system.
 A general logics object.
 Math function
 Perform mathematical functions.
 Multipy inputs.
 Limit range of signal.
 Output is 1 if input > 0, 0 if input is equal to zero, -1 otherwise.
 Performs a simple summation of the input signals.
 Perform trigonometric function, such as sin, arcsin, arctan2, etc.
 Vector norm
 Vector 2-norm of input (Pythagorean).

Detailed Description